In the adventurous classic, the Wizard of Oz, the tin man wanted a heart. Along the journey to this powerful wizard who could grant body parts (wouldn’t this be wonderful?), all three friends—the lion, the scarecrow and the tin man discovered they each already had what they were looking for. In the same way a healthy heart lies within our means. As we journey through life, there are certain factors within our control that can help us maintain the healthy heart we all desire.
Lifestyle and diet modifications are the major areas we need to work on to support cardio health.
Initially, the going may seem tough. It’s hard work but keep at it. Once you’ve passed the initial hurdle, cardio health will not seem too difficult to maintain. Keep in mind your goal. The rewarding benefits of cardio health and the feel-good-factor you achieve far outweigh what may seem as grueling changes in diet and lifestyle!
• Begin with weight management. Slim down to a weight that is average for your height and age. Keep a trim waistline is important to health. A few extra inches on your waistline means puts extra pressure on your heart.
• Find out the recommended calorie allowance for your height and age, and conform your diet to these levels. Do this gradually—drastic diets can actually harm your health long term. Losing weight at a steady pace will help promote a healthy loss and maintain your weight loss.
• Choose nutrient-dense foods with the least amount of calories. High fiber foods with plenty of vegetables and fruits will give you vitamins, minerals and fiber. Heart vitamins include Vitamin D and folic acid, a member of the B vitamin family. Include foods rich in heart vitamins, or consider taking a cardio supplement.
• Include fatty fish at least twice a week. Fatty fish is rich in the heart-health promoting omega 3 fatty acids. For a more regular intake of omega 3s, consult with your physician about taking omega 3 supplements or cardio supplements that help support cardio health.
• Remember to eat low-fat foods which include a variety of foods from all food groups. Many doctors recommend the rainbow diet—include as many different-colored foods on your plate as you can. The rich colors each provide different nutrients that complement and enhance synergistic health. By eating a variety of foods, you’ll ensure you’re getting a good dose of heart vitamins and cardio healthy nutrients. For convenience, you may also find these nutrients in cardio supplements.
• Smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can be harmful to the heart. To maintain cardio health, you’d need to stop smoking and drink moderately.
• Cut down on high-cholesterol foods. Shop smart for cardio healthy foods. It’s easy to identify them by looking for the AHA heart check. This signifies that the product has been checked for cholesterol and fat values and is a wise choice for supporting cardio health.
• Exercise! This part of a heart healthy regimen cannot be overemphasized—exercise is a must for promoting cardio health. In fact, not exercising can have major damaging impacts on cardio health. At least 30 minutes of exercise each day will go a long way in strengthening heart muscles, promoting better circulation of blood to all body parts and in maintaining overall health and stamina. Choose any of these exercises: jogging, aerobic dancing, walking, cycling, swimming or any physical activity that makes you work up a sweat! If you have any medical conditions, please consult your doctor before starting an exercise regimen.
You may also want to consider supplementing your diet with CardioMatrix which contains heart vitamins such as:
• Folic acid (a member of the B vitamin family). This vitamin helps to maintain healthy homocysteine levels, necessary to keep the arteries healthy.
• CoQ10, this heart vitamin, is responsible for providing the heart with energy to perform its function. Research shows that this vitamin is present in all cells and is necessary for energy production. Most of the body’s CoQ10 levels are concentrated in the heart muscles.
• Omega 3 fatty acids, a popular cardio supplement, assist the body in regulating normal cholesterol levels.
• Phytosterols are nutrients derived from plants that help to regulate healthy cholesterol levels in the body by assisting the body to eliminate cholesterol from the body before being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Unless there are genetic or physiological factors involved, there is nothing that would keep you from good cardio health. The secret is in implementing a cardio healthy diet and incorporating lifestyle modifications into your life that support heart health.